Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hi Friends,

It's been a long, long time. I've been doing well since my last post. Ups, downs, and everything in between. Progression and learning have been main points of my life. The year is almost here. 2 or 3 weeks away and I believe I have come to learn my greatest lesson.

At the beginning of my work season, I shared my struggles with accepting other people. Accepting their imperfections was a great challenge for me. I talked behind people's backs, resented them, envied them...everything negative I managed to focus on. Life's a gift. Life is full of the unknown. We don't know when our last day is, we don't know when we'll get terrible news about our health. We may think that we dislike someone; dislike them over remarkably petty reasons. Personally, I sometimes have trouble realizing what's really important. I've written the differences, but in daily life, I lose sight and focus on what matters; until I reflect. After receiving some news about someone, I have had an indispensable opportunity to bring things back into focus. After receiving this news, I am flushed with some guilt, sadness and empathy. Guilt for not appreciating someone for who they are, for them being one of God's children, for the good that is in them. Sadness and empathy for this person's loved ones, for his new wife, for him who has to deal with his new knowledge of the truth.

Life's too precious to take for granted and to not appreciate. If we have become complacent with letting those whom we love know how we feel, change it. If we are treating others as less thens or with judgement, change it. If we are not being the loving human beings that we were meant to be, CHANGE IT!

I read somewhere something along these lines: "God waits until one's end of days to pass judgement, what gives me the right to do so before that?"
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