Sunday, February 13, 2011

Title: Mom's Life Lessons

I don't know if I said this before, but I've run into to some fear issues regarding contributing to End the Dance. It has come up in relationship and has been a factor in the, in hindsight insurmountable, judgment of yours truly. That's all good though. It's in the passed, water under the bridge, and we move on. I guess I have to wonder to myself whether it's going to happen again. If it does, will my passed be able to be forgiven. The perfect answer is yes and although we are imperfect people who make an imperfect world living on a perfect planet, I believe 100% that this perfect scenario will be mine.
In addition to the above, another fear that has come to fester inside is that it will affect me securing my career, or even stepping stone, learning employment opportunities. Curious, I googled my name and up came results relating to these posts. Now yes, I'm damn proud of me which means that I should be proud of my past because who I am now is the sum of my past experiences, right? Well, let's be real about it, I'm not proud of my past. Shit, I haven't even fully forgiven myself for some the things I've done. If I haven't forgiven myself fully, how do I expect others especially potential employers, that do not understand, that google me and come across these posts, to look past my past and make an unbias hiring decision based on my skills and unlimited potential? The perfect answer is same as the one before. At the end of the day, I have to look into my heart, strengthen my faith, and reinforce that inner state of me knowing that I'm being taken care of and that I will be the recipient of that perfect answer for employment as well. So there you have it, another example of a temporarily paralyzing fear that prevented me from sharing the love in my heart and the good/bad thoughts in my head. No joke, everyday, I come up with contributions in my head.
On a selfish note, my mental contributions brings me almost the same benefits as it does through actually sharing them online. It is selfish though since I'm keeping everything to myself. I must have forgot what my Mom taught me about sharing for a bit. Funny thing, up until my teenages years, LATE teenage years maybe into LATE twenties, my Mom tried hard to instill giving attitude. I remember, I would get a Mars bar (my favourite) and I would always just devour it in the passenger seat while she drove. I might add that it was she that always bought the things for me and that when driving, she was usually driving me to a friend's place...unthankful tasks PS. These were and are still part of her giving nature. So ya, I would just devour the chocolaty deliciousness. Time after time, she would try and teach me that I should at least off a piece. In one ear and out the other. Are kidding me, that did not register even a little bit. That was a hell of a lesson for ignore. Although, we should be giving because it the right thing to do rather than it expectation for it to be reciprocated, it is remembered and great things come to those that give. Whether it a smile, a compliment, a gesture or simply it's my favourite chocolate bar, I going to continue to try and remember what my Mom taught me for years; give it away and share when I can.

Glad to be back...

Don't fear...Act.
Don't wonder...Discover.
Don't doubt...Try.
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